Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Y o u ' v e b e e n s u c h a p o s i t i v e i n f l u e n c e o n m y m e n t a l f r a m e

I find it very interesting when two people that are so different talk about the same thing, and how it still is completely different.
I'm not saying one is wrong, and one is right.
But it basically looks like one is real, one is fake.
I wish I could go into more detail?
But that would be going against my best friend's wishes, and I don't want to do that to them.

I also find it interesting when someone considers you their best friend, yet they don't talk to you for several days. I'm not talking about "sorry such and such came up and interrupted such and such." I mean actually took time to ay hi, or see if something was wrong, because something clearly is. And it clearly affects that person. There is no substance in it. It's juts a filling of ill-ishness towards that person. It's still amusing that they apparently don't even care enough to ask. It really shows what kind of person that it, and if that's their position, I feel fairly obliged to return that same feeling. I have no intention of making the first move. I never do; on anything.

So yes, people are very interesting.
It's fun to observe.
It's fun to ponder.
It's fun to realize
Sometimes it hurts to realize.
Sometimes what you realize hurts you.
But I'm glad when I do realize it.
It lets me know that I care about my friends.
And that I'm not just this shallow user that everyone makes me out to be.

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